Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel

No.578, Shili Avenue, Xunyang District, Jiujiang, China,Xunyang District,Jiujiang,Jiangxi

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Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel

Tianhai Xincheng Hotel Jiujiang is a 4 stars hotel,aims to be the ideal choice for discerning travelers.The hotel is situated in Jiujiang Xunyang District.Opened in 2004, Tianhai Xincheng Hotel Jiujiangprovides privacy, safety and personalized service to discerning travelers.Tianhai Xincheng Hotel Jiujiang is innovated in 2011.It's also very well-priced, and has exceptional service, accommodations, and amenities. Guests highly recommend this hotel.The hotel has 13 storeys(floors),116 tastefully understated rooms.
Tianhai Xincheng Hotel Jiujiang accepts payment by cash or by card, Peony Card, Golden Harvest Card, Great Wall Card, Dragon Card, Pacific Card, Oriental Card.

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Contact us

  • Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel
  • Hotel Reservation Tel: +8620-86009099 (CouponCode:23295)(Busy or no answer, online booking please!)
  • Hotel Front-Desk Tel: 0086 (Catering, conference,sauna,entertainment, Invoice, traffic)
  • Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel Website: http://tianhaixincheng.hoteljiujiang.cn/en
  • Hotel Address: No.578, Shili Avenue, Xunyang District, Jiujiang, China,Xunyang District,Jiujiang,Jiangxi

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Welcome to Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel, We will provide you with warm service! If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us

Jiujiang Tianhai Xincheng Hotel

No.578, Shili Avenue, Xunyang District, Jiujiang, China,Xunyang District,Jiujiang,Jiangxi